Ralink Rt2870 Usb Wifi Driver



Info about the driver:
Name: MediaTek/Ralink RT2870, RT2770, RT307X, RT2070, RT357X, RT3370, RT8070, RT5X7X, MT7610, MT7601, MT7612U USB Wireless Lan drivers
DriverVer = 09/26/2016,
Date: 26.09.2016.
OS: Win XP, Vista, Win 7, Windows 8/8.1/10 (32/64 bits)
MediaTek/Ralink chipsets are supported:
RT2870, RT2770, RT307X, RT2070, RT357X, RT3370, RT8070, RT5X7X, MT7610, MT7601
Supported Devices: (the unit)
'Ralink 802.11n Wireless LAN Card'
'Foxconn Wi-Fi BGN CPWL802P'
'Foxconn Wi-Fi CPWL812P BG'
'Foxconn Wi-Fi BGN CPWL801P'
'Foxconn Wi-Fi BGN CPWL821P'
'Wireless LAN Foxconn CPWB102P-RT3090L'
'Ralink 802.11n Wireless LAN Card'
'802.11n Wireless PCI Express Card LAN Adapter'
'Ralink 802.11n Wireless LAN Card'
'802.11N Wireless CardBus Adapter'
'802.11N Wireless Express Card Adapter'
'RT2790/2720 Ralink 802.11b/g/n WLAN mini-PCIE Network'
'ASUS 802.11n Wireless LAN Card'
'802.11n Wireless LAN Card'
'Wireless LAN Card'
'802.11n Wireless LAN Card'
'802.11n Wireless PC Card'
'802.11n Wireless miniPCI Adapter'
'802.11n Wireless PCI Adapter'
'Conceptronic 300Mbps 11n PC-Express Card'
'Conceptronic 300Mbps 11n PCI-Express Card'
'802.11b/g/n PCI Wireless LAN Card'
'Logitec LAN-WN23/CB Wireless LAN Adapter'
'Logitec LAN-WN23/EC Wireless LAN Adapter'
'I-O DATA WN-GDN/CB3 Wireless LAN Adapter'
'I-O DATA WHG-AGDN/CB Wireless LAN Adapter'
'IEEE 802.11b/g/n Wireless Network Adapter'
'Wireless 11n PCI card'
'Wireless 11n PCI card'
'Allwin Wireless LAN Card -2760'
'Allwin Wireless LAN Card -2790'
'Allwin Wireless LAN Card AWM55N-M'
'Allwin Wireless LAN Card -2890'
'Allwin Wireless LAN Card AWM56N-X'
'Allwin Wireless LAN Card -3091'
'Allwin Wireless LAN Card -3092'
'Allwin Wireless LAN Card -3062'
'Allwin Wireless LAN Card -3592'
'Allwin Wireless LAN Card -3562'
'Ralink RT3090 BGN Wireless LAN Card'
'LG-Ericsson PCI-1020 Wireless 802.11n PCI Adapter'
Supported controllers (VEN & DEV):
PCI VEN_1814 & DEV_0601
PCI VEN_1814 & DEV_0681
PCI VEN_1814 & DEV_0701
PCI VEN_1814 & DEV_0781
PCI VEN_1814 & DEV_3090
PCI VEN_1814 & DEV_3091
PCI VEN_1814 & DEV_3092
PCI VEN_1814 & DEV_5390
PCI VEN_1814 & DEV_5392
PCI VEN_1814 & DEV_5362
PCI VEN_1814 & DEV_5360
PCI VEN_1814 & DEV_539F
PCI VEN_1814 & DEV_3592
PCI VEN_1814 & DEV_3593
PCI VEN_1814 & DEV_3060
PCI VEN_1814 & DEV_3062
PCI VEN_1814 & DEV_3562
PCI VEN_1814 & DEV_3290
PCI VEN_1814 & DEV_0781 & SUBSYS_68901462
PCI VEN_1814 & DEV_0781 & SUBSYS_890A1462
PCI VEN_1814 & DEV_3090 & SUBSYS_68911462
PCI VEN_1814 & DEV_3090 & SUBSYS_891A1462
PCI VEN_1814 & DEV_3091 & SUBSYS_68921462
PCI VEN_1814 & DEV_3090 & SUBSYS_38721462
PCI VEN_1814 & DEV_3090 & SUBSYS_872A1462
PCI VEN_1814 & DEV_3090 & SUBSYS_891B1462
PCI VEN_1814 & DEV_3090 & SUBSYS_872B1462

The driver downloads offered below for the RT2870 are designated for business partner use. By downloading MediaTek product drivers you acknowledge they are provided without warranty and MediaTek does not provide direct support to end-users. I have tested it for RT2870 driver and it worked for me. Plug your USB adapter in and run the following commands: sudo add-apt-repository ppa:thopiekar/mt7601 sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install mt7601-sta-dkms When the installation completes, click on the wi-fi network icon and you should see the USB adapter network interface.

MediaTek/Ralink RT2870 USB Wireless Lan drivers v. WHQL MediaTek/Ralink RT2870 USB Wireless Lan drivers v. The new package of drivers for network adapters WiFi based on MediaTek/Ralink chipset. Ralink RT2870, RT2770, RT307X, RT2070, RT3572 USB Wireless Lan drivers v. - The new official package of drivers for network adapters WiFi based on Ralink chipset. Download Ralink 802.11n Wireless LAN Card for Windows to update Windows network adapter drivers for your Acer computer. Ralink 802.11n Wireless LAN Card has had 0 updates within the past 6 months. Installing ralink rt2870 rt3070 on portable: DMKHAMMER: Linux - Newbie: 17: 10:09 AM SOLVED no wifi with ralink rt2870 after kernel panic and reboot: Hewson: Linux - Hardware: 3: 02:54 PM: Ralink RT2870 Connection Issues - Ubuntu 9.04: own3mall: Linux - Networking: 1: 11:02 AM: Looking for Linksys WUSB600N. See related links to what you are looking for.

Now your posts to the threads were a bit confusing, particularly since those usb thingies are all different.
Anyway, now that PCI-ID 0b05:179d of your dongle is listed for the mainline kernel rt2800usb:

First you should try to modprobe that and see, if a wireless interface appears.

If not, you are up to the compiling part. For that I guess you downloaded http://www.mediatek.com/_en/07_download … hp?sn=5032
I can only guess that because you don't name what you downloaded. To get it to work, the first thing I would do is download a goodlooking similar AUR PKG, e.g. https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/rt/rt3573/PKGBUILD
(or another, I have not tried any of them)

Then modify it, so it uses your downloaded driver and its md5-sum, which you placed in the same directory.
Next, give it a try with 'makepkg' again. All the other steps in the bbs-thread for the N750 might not be necessary, if the proprietary driver has your device's PCI ID already. Maybe the other patches in the PKGBUILD create problems though - but give it a go first. If you are lucky and it compiles, creating a package, make sure the 'rt2800usb' is not loaded anymore before you try it.